This week I realized I haven’t said one word about End Sex Trafficking Day since it’s happened. I have been so full of disappointment that it made me silent. I know what you …
7 Golden nuggets from #RHHLive
Last month I had the pleasure of attending Marie Forleo’s Rich, Hot and Happy Live in New York City and I can’t leave you hanging any longer, today you get to …
Today is End Sex Trafficking Day
I’m thrilled to say that after 10 months of planning, emailing, strategizing, pitching, writing and editing End Sex Trafficking Day — a call to action with a message, that hits straight …
World Change is How They Roll – My Interview with Sevenly
I have been admittedly crushing on Sevenly + their innovative do good business model for months. Every week they have new trendy designed T’s, bags and hoodies (and sometimes more) with from …
Are you intimidated yet? You should be.
Have you ever wondered if what you are doing is big enough? If your revolution, business or dream is big enough? Recently a Rockateer in my course asked me this…she gave …
My interview w/ Natalie Sisson: her $100 Change Initiative + being proud of her work
I was soooo super excited to sit down for a Skype interview with Natalie Sisson of Suitcase Entrepreneur. Not only because I admire the fact that she works anywhere she …