7 Golden nuggets from #RHHLive

Last month I had the pleasure of attending Marie Forleo’s Rich, Hot and Happy Live in New York City and I can’t leave you hanging any longer, today you get to hear the golden nuggets I took away from this incredible weekend (AND they are tweetable!).

But first, I must say how thrilling it was to hear every single speaker touch on how important it is to be the change…to make a difference…to be a part of something bigger than yourself and your business. This affirmed for me how important it is to do good + do business and how darlin’ if you ain’t jumping on this train, it will chug along by the thousands of other business owners and individuals that are over joyed to do it.

THE Donna Karan made a special appearance Friday night, since after all we were at her gorgeous Urban Zen Center. Donna is doing amazing do good work and reminded us what we are all here to do is simply, change the world. (Fingers crossed in getting her on my podcast one day).

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Gabby’s quote spoke to me because for so long I compared my business to so many other smokin’ hot entrepreneurs online and framed so much of my work around how they would do it. Compare no more lady…just be you + seek to serve.

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For so long, I was that reason filled chick…do you have reasons or results?


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Don’t you know I was straight up called out when Kris said this…I have not taken enough time to renew after this crazy year and after I heard this I knew the time had come. Are you finding yourself successful, yet spent?


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Sally’s talk was dynamic + I learned so much. If you aren’t sure if you are becoming more of yourself and fueling your business in that way, I suggest you get her book Fascinate.


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And when it’s larger than yourself it will test your faith live NEVER before. When is the last time you attached yourself to something larger than yourself?

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How do you desire to feel after you have completed (insert your big thing)?

I can’t wait to hear what golden nugget above spoke to you the most. I knew when I told someone that I was most excited about creating time to relax after RHH, I needed to keep my word…so I am taking a short internet break and will back renewed and refreshed on the blog in two weeks with a new Doing Good Business interview.


Much love + pumpkin pie,

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photo credit: Marie Forleo

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