Sometimes you meet someone and you’re like, “Oh, there you are” and other times you meet someone and you’re like *eye-roll, “she’s too much.” I’ve realized on my Movement Making path that you can learn something from everyone you meet, but some people if you let them can be a key to changing how you do life and business forever.
Today I’ll be lovingly doting on 4 people that have shaped and inspired the way I work, not just to pour praise on them, but to encourage you to open your eyes to what’s possible when you connect and continually build relationships with people.
If you’re going to create a successful business that makes a difference in the world you’re going to need some amazing people on your team, and these…are mine.
My husband
I met my husband Fred ( at church in 2008 and it was like my heart said, “Oh, there you are.” 10 days after dating we were engaged and two months later we were married…I know it sounds insane right?! Well we kind of were:) He was the first person to think I should open an Etsy shop, which was the first step away from my day job and the only one to believe it was a good idea for me to quit my day job.
How he’s inspired + shaped the way I work: Fred hears my doubt when I speak about something I’m dreaming of and calls me out on it. He doesn’t always hold my hand, yet shoves me into doing what I’m dreaming of doing. He pushes me to be more generous, more innovative and even more important, celebrate what I’ve accomplished.
Erika Lyremark
The first time I came across Erika of, I was annoyed (and I later told her). I didn’t like her website, her bossy personality, or the fact that she talked about stripping. But I did LOVE however how she was herself and did NOT apologize for it, that I LOVED.
Fast forward six months, as I was starting End Sex Trafficking Day, I invited her to write for my book, and her response…”Hell yes! That was the best ask letter I’ve EVER received, I’m keeping it! Erika pushed me to get the book published, and generously gave me a scholarship to her course, The Morning Whip as at the time I couldn’t afford it.
Fast forward a year, and I was flying to Detroit, Michigan to attend Spark and Hustle and hang one on one with Erika. It just goes to show how your annoyance with someone can mean you’re desiring to have something they have. And if I wouldn’t have reached out to her and made the ask that I did, we may have never had the relationship we’ve had.
How she’s inspired + shaped the way I work: She undoubtedly is the key to the clarity and hustle that I had to take on in order to have the business and movement successes that I’ve had.
Danielle La Porte
The first time I came across Danielle of, I was inspired by her real talk and business sensuality. The girl had it going on. But again, just like with Erika I found myself repelled by one thing on her site and quickly unsubscribed.
Fast forward to her ever famous pay what you can days, this time it was the Spark Kit. EVERYONE was raving about, and I thought, “why not try it out?” After printing every page and setting time aside to do it while I got a sitter, I found that I wasn’t doing at all what I was born for and she brought that reality to my attention. After that everything changed.
1 year later, I found myself emailing her asking her if I could interview her, she said yes and a year after that after making yet another ask I was able to have lunch with her in Atlanta while she was in town speaking at Plywood Presents (another event I went to just for one person, I guess I’m a bit guilty of that).
How she’s inspired + shaped the way I work: I’ve learned from Danielle, that it doesn’t have to be all about deadlines, goals and expectations. Rather what do you want? What makes you scream for joy…do THAT.
Amber McCue
Amber of and I met on Facebook and instantly became friends. We met in New York City and since then we have google hangouts where we pick each others brains about our business next steps. Amber was made to think strategically and get you organized to create the business and life you want.
How she’s inspired + shaped the way I work: Amber has been an amazing hand holder and cheer leader that pushes me to plan, organize and systematize my business so I get more done! She has taught me that I don’t HAVE to do everything and just how amazing it is to have processes in place. That makes life more peaceful and business nice!
What now?
Spread the love! How about you email, call or write people that have inspired and shaped the way you work!
Here’s to being inspired to take action that will change your world and the world,
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