Quite often I get asked, “should I let my clients and customers know about how I’m doing good with my business?
So if you’re doing good don’t be afraid to tell them, in fact you should be excited to tell them what working or buying from you does not only for them, but for the world. In turn you’ll create community, customer loyalty and better yet you’ll be making the world a better place.
There are several ways you can tell your cusomers what you are up to in the world, including:
1. Tell them on your sales page or payment page as Danielle La Porte does with her digital book, Your Big Beautiful phenadip.com Book Plan
2. Have a page on your site all about the work you are doing to make the world a better place like Kimberly Riggins did with her Giving Back page
3. Invite them to join your movement and tell them everything you’re up to like TOMS. They do this so beautifully on their site that I had to make a screencast video and show you how they’ve done it!
I think we can all agree that we are more likely to buy from and stay loyal to companies that are doing good with their profits. So, the question is how do you or how will you tell your customers what you are doing in the world to make a difference.
After all, we don’t need fast fixers, we need Legacy Leavers!
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